Rotary Club of Dwight Logo with Rotary Wheel

Current Events

New Leadership for Dwight Rotary.

John Mueller is the new President for the 2024-2025 Rotary Year.
Secretary-Treasurer is Dale Adams.

District Leadership Visits Dwight Rotary

October 4th, 2023 was the date President Andy and the Dwight Rotary Club members welcomed the District 6490 Leadership into their meeting. Attending was District Governor Janet Ellis-Nelson, 23-24 and Assistant Governor Samuel P. Banks.
                                                                               A special thank you to Dale Adams for photos.

            Asst Gov Samuel Banks, DG Janet Ellis-Nelson, and President Andy Vigna

New Leadership for Dwight Rotary

The Dwight Rotary Club held it's annual June Steak Fry. Everyone bought a dish and Dale served as the cook at the grill again.
This was the Elections Event Inducting New Officers for 2023-2024 held June 29th, 2023. We thank President Don for a great year 2022-2023 and for swearing in the new officers.
The 2023-2024 officer's are President - Andy Vigna / Vice President - John Mueller - Secretary & Treasurer - Dale Adams.
                                                                           Photos submitted by Randy Randall.
2023-2024 Rotary  Club of Dwight Officers.

2023 Scholarship Awarded tp Elica Maldonado of Dwight.

Each year the Rotary Club of Dwight and the LSR-RR Donnelley Scholarship is presented to a local student to aid in expenses providing two years of tuition for them at the local Junior College.
We are proud to announce that we have presented the scholarship and the winner has recognized the presentation with the attached letter.
This years winner is Ms. Elica Maldonado of Dwight. Her education is in the area of Culinary Arts.
From our entire membership, Congratulations Elica

. Letter from Scholarship Winner 2023

The October 19th Meeting: We Had An Evening Family Steak Fry Wednesday Night at Dale & Deb Adam’s Home. Just A Relaxing Evening Of Food, Friends & Fellowship.
The best part is everyone "orders" their steak just as they like it, and Dale always succeeds in filling the orders. With Deb as his Hostess, Dale served as the cook extraordinaire! For these events everyone brings a dish to pass and their own drink and dinner ware.

Dale at the Grill Beautiful Steaks
"Dish to Pass" complimented the Steak beautifully. Table 1
Table 2 Alan and Donny

September 21, 2022: 2022-2022 District Governor Connie Walsh met with the Dwight Rotary for the Annual Get-Acquainted Visit.
Photo The new District Governor is introduced by New Dwight Rotary President Donald McClarey.
President Don and District Governor

September 14, 2022: Veteran Outreach Coordinator Tim Dippon was our guest speaker. Tim served in the Marine Corp 2000-2004 and is a native of Dwight.
Photo: President Don introduced Tim. Dale presented him with a donation.

Pres. Don, Tim, and Dale.

August 4, 2022: Club Project was the Culpepper Merryweather Circus on the Dwight Grade School Grounds. Well attended, the profits support the Dwight Rotary Projects.
Circus POster 2022

July 27, 2022: Micah McCurrey is our guest speaker. He is executive Director of Bile Tracts, Inc in Odell, Illinois. Mr. McCurrey is also an Evangelist.
His company makes and distributes Gospel Tracts.

July 27, 2022: Bret Weiss let us know that Joyce Kwimbo is now in her second year at Jane Adey Memorial School in Kenya.  Joyce is doing very well maintaining a B+ average in 12 classes.  Dwight Rotary is her sponsor.

July 21, 2022: Mindy Thomas invited the Dwight Rotarians to her shop for lunch. The SIPS. Mindy's shop is a Coffee/Consignment shop.

Mindy  Invited the Rotarians to her shop - SIPS

July 13, 2022: Rotarians were invited to a luncheon with Ms. Flo HOy in her shop. She and her husband John own the Flower and Antique Shop in Dwight.

Ms. Hoy described her new shop for the members.

These Photos Are From Wednesday Night's Dwight Rotary Steak Fry (June 30, 2022) at Renfrew Park in the Rotary Shelter.

All members are asked to bring a dish to pass, their own table service and drinks. Chef for the event is Dale Adams. Steaks are always cooked to perfection.

President John Mueller installed new Officers after the dinner.

Our New Officers - Don McClarey (President), Andy Vigna (Vice President) & Dale Adam’s (Secretary / Treasurer).
                                                               Photos were taken by Victor Randle.
Dale is the Chef. He always cook those steaks to perfection.

Dale is the Chef for the picnic,.'
Members are ready for a new administration.
Members are waiting on the Induction Ceremony to start.
Dale at the GrillDale has a few words...
After President McClarey is installed he has a few words to say.

Sec/Treas Dale is installed.

Andy Vigna is installed as Vice-President and Dale Adams as Secretary/Treasurer. And so begins a new year in Rotary.

June 15, 2022: The New Electric Box at Rotary Park has been installed. Members met in the park for a celebration photo. The Grant was applied for and received under the administration of Past President John Mueller, 2022-2022.

Rotary Park Lighting by Grant.

John Mueller serving as 2021-22 President for the Rotary Club of Dwight, IL
President John Mueller

   President Mueller is looking forward to serving along with fellow members of the Dwight Rotary Club.                                     

New Officer Induction for 2021 - 2022

     In attendance at the June 29th, 2021 event were the Honorable District Governor Mike Step from Paris and Assistant Governor Jim Matthews from Mahomet. 

     District Governor Step congratulated the Dwight Rotary Club for their many accomplishments in 2020-21. Assistant Governor Matthews echoed the Governor's comments and informed Dwight Rotary that he has nominated the Dwight Rotary Club for several awards including the highly competitive "District Club of the Year".

Installation of President John Mueller 2021-22     Dwight Rotary Club's President-elect 2021-2022, Pastor John Mueller, was installed as the 84th president of the Dwight Rotary Club with District Governor Mike Step administering the oath of office. 

     Attorney Donald McClarey was sworn in as President-Elect, Dale Adams was sworn in as Secretary & Treasurer and Pastor "Randy" V. Randle as Memberships Chairperson for the upcoming Rotary Year 2021-22 staring July 1.

















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