How do you describe the organization called "Rotary"? There are so many characteristics of a Rotary club as well as the activities of a million Rotarians. There are the features of service, internationality, fellowship, classifications of each vocation, development of goodwill and world understanding, the emphasis of high ethical standards, concern for other people and many more descriptive qualities.
In 1976 the Rotary International Board of Directors was interested in creating a concise definition of the fundamental aspects of Rotary. They turned to the three men who were then serving on Rotary's Public Relations Committee and requested that a one-sentence definition of Rotary be prepared. After numerous drafts, the committee presented this definition, which has been used ever since in various Rotary publications:
"Rotary is an organization of business and professional persons united worldwide who provide humanitarian service, encourage high ethical standards in all vocations and help build goodwill and peace in the world."
The Object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enterprise and, in particular, to encourage and foster:
FIRST. The development of acquaintance as an opportunity for service;
SECOND. High ethical standards in business and professions, the recognition of
the worthiness of all useful occupations, and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s
occupation as an opportunity to serve society;
THIRD. The application of the ideal of service in each Rotarian’s personal,
business, and community life;
FOURTH. The advancement of international understanding, goodwill, and peace
through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the
ideal of service.
The term "four Avenues of Service" is frequently used in Rotary literature and information. The "Avenues" refer to the four elements of the Object of Rotary: Club Service, Vocational Service, Community Service and International Service. Although the Avenues of Service are not found in any formal part of the constitutional documents of Rotary, the concept has been accepted as a means to describe the primary areas of Rotary activity.
"Club Service" involves all of the activities necessary for Rotarians to perform to make their club function successfully. "Vocational Service" is a description of the opportunity each Rotarian has to represent the dignity and utility of one's vocation to the other members of the club. "Community Service" pertains to those activities, which Rotarians undertake to improve the quality of life in their community. It frequently involves assistance to youth, the aged, handicapped and others who look to Rotary as a source of hope for a better life. The Fourth Avenue "International Service" describes the many programs and activities which Rotarians undertake to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace. International Service projects are designed to meet humanitarian needs of people in many lands. When a Rotarian understands and travels down the "Four Avenues of Service," the Object of Rotary takes on even greater meaning.
1. Professional Networking:
A founding principle of Rotary was to meet periodically to enjoy and enlarge one's circle of business and professional acquaintances. As the oldest service club in the world, Rotary club members represent a cross-section of the community's owners, executives, managers, political leaders, and professionals - people who make decisions and influence policy.
2. Service Opportunities:Club members have many opportunities for humanitarian service, both locally and internationally. Service programs address such concerns as health care, hunger, poverty, illiteracy, and the environment. Rotarians experience the fulfillment that comes from giving back to the community.
3. International Awareness:Rotary was founded on fellowship, an ideal that remains a major attraction of membership today. Club members enjoy the camaraderie with like-minded professionals, and club projects offer additional opportunities to develop enduring friendships. Rotary club members who travel have friendly contacts in almost every city in the world.
5. Good Citizenship:
Weekly Rotary club programs keep members informed about what is taking place in the community, nation, and world and motivated to make a difference.
6. Family Foundations:
Rotary sponsors some of the world's largest youth exchange, educational exchange, and scholarship programs. Rotary clubs provide innovative training opportunities and mentoring for young leaders and involve family members in a wide range of social and service activities.
7. Entertainment:
Social activities give Rotarians a chance to let loose and have fun. Every Rotary club and district hosts parties and activities that offer diversions from today's demanding professional and personal schedules. Conferences, conventions, assemblies, and social events provide entertainment as well as Rotary information, education, and service.
8. Ethical Environment:
Encouraging high ethical standards in one's profession and respect for all worthy vocations has been a hallmark of Rotary from its earliest days. In their business and professional lives, Rotarians abide by The Four-Way Test: Of the things we think, say or do:
1) Is it the TRUTH ?
2) Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4) Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?
9. Leadership Development:
Rotary is an organization of successful professionals. Team building, fundraising, public speaking, planning, organization, and communication are just a sampling of the leadership skills that club members can exercise and enhance. Being a Rotary leader provides further experience in learning how to motivate, inspire, and guide others.
10. Diversity in Membership:
Rotary's classification system ensures that a club's membership represents a variety of the community's professional men and women, including leaders in business, industry, the arts, government, sports, the military, and religion. Rotary clubs are non political, non religious, and open to all cultures, races, and creeds.
Still not sure about the Rotary Club of Dwight?
Why not come along to a meeting or alternatively contact the Rotary Club of Dwight. You will be assured of a warm welcome from members who can explain how Rotary has affected their lives!
The Four-Way Test of the things we think, say or do.
24-word test for employees to follow in their business and professional lives
became the guide for sales, production, advertising, and all relations with
dealers and customers, and the survival of the company is credited to this
simple philosophy. Adopted by Rotary in 1943, The Four-Way Test has been
translated into more than a hundred languages and published in thousands of
ways. It asks the following four questions:
“Of the things we think, say or do:
1. Is it the TRUTH?
2. Is it FAIR to all concerned?
4. Will it be BENEFICIAL to all concerned?”
Sample 4-Way-Test presentation by Don McClarey