The Dwight Rotary Club meets on Wednesday at 12:10 p.m.
The luncheon meeting is followed by a guest speaker.
The meeting room is at the Dwight Country Club. (Click here for Location.)
A club member must attend or make-up at least 50 percent of regular club meetings in each half of the year (though some clubs may have more stringent requirements). Any missed meetings must be made up within 14 days of a regular meeting. If traveling, club members are encouraged to visit clubs in the new area to make up a missed meeting. Click here for a Club listing for District 6490.
The first Wednesday of the month during May through September is "Steak Fry." There is no noon meeting but an evening meeting at the Renfrew Park at the Rotary Shelter or otherwise. Call for location.
Check the Official Directory or use the Club Locator to get meeting and contact information. Be sure to call or e-mail before you show up for a meeting.